The quest is more than the name of a game that keeps one in bondage going nowhere fast like a human riveted to his personal device in virtual escape and growing indifference.

The quest is an odyssey privileged and perilous – like the epic questing of sperm for ovum and the promise of substantive perpetuity.



If questing liberates the supernal human, a human bound for discovery of the meaning and purpose of it all, who or what would want to derail the quest?

What part of your own self would strategize to cage the spirit of adventure that carries you forth through the fringe of your convictions and perceived territory? What might have happened to you, in you to curb your appetite and thirst for renewable awe?



For the pleasure of fellow questers we are publishing a range of worldwide retreats, courses and classes to choose from on the Retreat Schedule.

This process of questing is grounded in the shared philosophical basis of Kundalini Tantra Yoga and Ayurveda. Our quest is supported by the experiential wisdom of Nature’s Law, as testified by these ancient sciences of cosmic life.


Retreat Schedule