
— BACK TO THE TABLE — Awake, confined to a heavy, hard table — medicated oils and unguents pooling — HEAVEN is immanent!!! Hell is a mutable state of mind and access to those controls is a fully comprehensible, repeatable matter of crossing the blood-brain barrier with...

From out of the wilds into the city, what doesn’t have to change? Dynamic equilibrium. Aliveness, no less. Thanking you Vivian Midttveit. Blessed is The “Living Yoga” community of Bergen—encircled as it is—by such a force of light as you, yours and theirs. 🙏🏽 Photos: Mateo ...

It used to be, that the question on many Laya Yoga (original Kundalini Tantra Yoga) students lips was “How can I awaken Kundalini?”. Now the question on the tip of many tongues is “What do I do with my extraordinary power?”. “What is it all for?” What would...

— GOLD — Guided Panchakarma with Uma In India January 15th to February 14th 2020 Limited spaces Protected location 🙏🏽 Self effulgent light of consciousness — “prakāśa” — is undifferentiated, infinite. Our own wakeful intelligence, “buddhi”, is powered to discern and reflect the lights of consciousness. With access to such inhering power, we humans...

From East to West, a breathtaking union of moon and sun, here and gone, departed and reborn. Words to live by: “Thy will be done” Blessed Full Moon . Blessed Hanuman Jayanti . Blessed Eoster . Blessed Easter . Blessed Passover 🙏🏽 📸 Rani Gill In India ...

  Where will your eyes go, as they open on an unhurried morning? Upon what will your eyes alight, when the sun is exalted? What insight is reawakened, when forces of darkness and light are balanced? ✨ This month April — on the 15th — the sun transits Mesh Rashi,...

Waking to the pre-dawn bells-Umā Inder Waking to the pre-dawn bells, chants and plumes of smoke rising from the spring temple in the valley, I knew the clearing had begun for us to step through the auspicious opening and resolution this equinox full moon augurs. ...

Home in any land-Umā Inder Home in any land where the yatrika — the pilgrim — is freely sheltered and nurtured in hallowed halls. Majestic halls built to receive the penniless, shoeless, the dusty, the parched, the royal. Masterpieces crafted to endure as testaments to tireless,...

This hill-Umā Inder-1 This hill, like no other, seducing with its prominence and pulling us up with strands of living myth, overlapped and streaming longside through the ages. Telling of warriorship, worship, guardianship, ladyship, guruship, chelaship, hardship, courtship, companionship, kinship. Truths fiercely and fulsomely lived,...