
The happiness-Umā Inder “The happiness which comes from long practice, which leads to the end of suffering, which at first is like poison, but at last like nectar - this kind of happiness arises from the serenity of one's own mind.” Ved Vyasa, Bhagavad Gita 🙏🏽...

Time stops-Umā Inder Time stops At the feet of Unswerving devotion At the feet of Immaculate adoration At the feet of Founding communion At the feet of Inviolable orientation At the feet of Love’s execution Om Namah Shivaya🔱Shivaya Namah Om ...

COMING BACK-Umā Inder Coming home to your self under favourable conditions that are dedicated to your dynamic equilibrium is one thing. Returning thereafter to your place in the world, under conditions dedicated to your socialisation is another. HOW TO REINTEGRATE, so that you come home as...

HANUMANISING-Umā Inder With Hanuman Chalisa Tulsidas “Durgam kaj jagath ke jete Sugam anugraha tumhare tete” All hardships In this world Become easy With your grace Jai Hanuman Ki Jai ...

PANCHAKARMA IN INDIAJanuary 2019-Umā Inder And so it begins—panchakarma at the dawn of each new year, commanding presence, with blessings evoked at the Ganapati and Shiva homa (fire sacrifice). Every year’s Guided Panchakarma in India books quickly. 2020 is already filling. For information on Guided...

The C O R N E R S T O N E S-Umā Inder of this fresh year, of every year—as it’s been for thousands of years—in the Ayurvedic tradition: Kama~Artha~Dharma~Moksha •Naturally roused by desire to enjoy the simple and profound pleasures of life •We...

And we congregate, effulgent strands of incorruptible presences. Powered where we stand in truth, vanquished are the forces that struggle to obscure and subvert the purity of being here for real, no matter the price. Emboldened to illuminate what is real, may we discern and reveal the...

I wake up, surrounded. By Her reminded. Wonderstruck more like it. The beauteous, the numinous. Unseen presences. Thronging around us. Reaching us through stillness. Sounding us through silence. 🙏🏽✨ Bali ...

Home temple WHERE, BUT BALI-Umā Inder Just in time for Purnama. Happy Full Moon. Our local, ancient Shaivite temple with moksha caves, Bali WHERE, BUT BALI-Umā Inder Requesting holy water at the springs of ancient Shaivite temple, Bal WHERE, BUT BALI-Umā Inderi ...

WHEN DEATH PROMISES A RICH RETURN-Umā Inder And one form sacrificed forms another form earned. Where endings bode nothing that isn’t something learned. Seeking eternal self, it’s oil of seed that’s discerned. Why dread expiration if by exudation life is over-turned? Umā, Equinox ...