
ONE IN A MILLION-Umā Inder In these hills, where life is slow, goodness beckons from under the earth and goodness hangs heavy on branches.  Milk flows pure, sweet and warm, straight from cows free to roam. Creamy, soft chèvre is wrapped with ashes daily at the ancient...

STILL BREWING-Umā Inder-4 Recipes for reunions far afield in glades and mountain vales. And speaking of magnetizing mountains and the songs that rise in response to the sheer majesty of their towering presence, I thank you again Nordic Team and all who circled the ...

LA HUASTECA-Umā Inder Captivating Monterrey mountain setting the stage for a return each time. Whether magnetized from afar or pressed close to its marbled sides, there are people who will still sing to the down surge of heaven coursing through the etheric, the aerated, the...

How Ayurveda changes everything—in such a way that compassion for both self and others becomes simultaneously preeminent in word, thought and action. Gracias Claudia, Mateo, Marisol and Popo, in Saltillo Mexico. Nos vemos la próxima vez. ...

Many a face here glows, impassioned by the possibilities rolled out when gathered to talk about going with nature. Many a tear here sparkles while palpable relief spreads through the body, when giving oneself permission to be just that—one’s self. Thank you Avemed and Casa Shakti for...

Drawn out. Clear as day. Every day. In decisive, immutable strokes—godhead is ours to acclaim if not reclaim. Identifying with and reintegrating into the “supreme godhead” is part and parcel of meaningful existence in India and for adherents of Indian Yogic sciences worldwide. —The processes of traditional...

SEE THROUGH-Umā Inder When Claudia came from Mexico to India, she exclaimed, “I know this place!” When I as an Indian went to Mexico two years ago, I felt the same. The play of sun and moon, the play of color and flavor, the play of...

NIGHT ALIGHT-Umā Inder Late last night daylight ventured out for its seasonal reach. Dark and light commingled for long enough to cast a deeper shade of shimmer neither night or day could attain alone. In such a way I leave the shores of Norway entranced by...

SOAKING IT UP-Umā Inder-3 Summer reveals the raw and luscious in the mountainous realms of majestic Norway. Playing now with the likelihood of advanced SATYA immersion here next summer. SOAKING IT UP-Umā Inder-2 SOAKING IT UP-Umā Inder-1 ...

UP HERE-Umā-Inder-1 In the mountains of Norway, gathering water and flower offerings for the ceremony of life. Feeling profoundly welcomed as we embark on the Nordic SATYA Immersion. UP HERE-Umā-Inder-2 ...

Prajnaparadha, “Crime against nature” The misuse of one’s mental faculties of dhi (intellect, discernment), dhrti (patience, fortitude) and smrti (recall, memory) as regards to time, mind and objects of sense organs leads to prajnaparadha (intellectual error or blasphemy against nature). According to the classic Ayurveda compendium Charaka...

ORIGINAL ECSTATIC LOVE-Umā Inder he highest, esoteric practice? Love of God. Divine Love in the air vibrates each particle of everything until forms bloom and swell, colors shimmer and burst, and whole orchestrations appear suspended, to be savored for all of time. ...