Each year we dedicate a whole moon cycle to ourselves for a thorough overhaul in Mother India, the birthplace of Ayurveda.
Just as many kings and yogins over the ages did—in order to reign
sovereign over sound mind and youthful body—we make the time for what
matters: fulfillment and service to our purpose for being human.
It’s a month that requires the whole of oneself to undergo a total reset and renewal on cellular levels.
We commit by choice to real work meaning—pre cleanse, detoxification, restoration and reintegration.
The whole process is meditative by nature and may launch a phenomenal
self inquiry that could be overwhelming if we didn’t have the inherent,
time tested genius of the wholistic system itself as the fundamental
container and presiding officiator.
Part by part we turn inside
out, with greater educational support to identify, expose, dismantle,
cleanse and rehabilitate original integrity of our entire system.
During the 6 years I was consulting at the Ayurvedic treatment facility
that I conceived and directed in Bali called KUSH Ayurvedic
Rejuvenation Center, I became more aware of the undercurrent of
stressors and culturally engrained patterns of self-sabotage faced by
the modern day human in an increasingly de-natured world.
degradation of lifestyle values and the confusion of priorities is
taking a toll most harmful by being in many cases unseen until it’s too
late and disorder has set in.
The ongoing, informed motivation to
choose health by going with Nature is a profound practice, encouraged
by Ayurveda for thousands of years.
In order to best serve this
vulnerable process of reawakening to fundamental Nature whilst drawing
strength from inner resources of wellbeing, I am committed to guiding a
small group through Panchakarma at the Ayurvedic clinic staffed by the
trusted doctor and logistical team I have co-operated with for 8 years
2018 filled within a month of announcing the dates. 2019 is already filling.
Testimonial from Panchakarma 2017
“Having Umā Inder there meant that I had someone who knew me.
In the past I have felt misunderstood or not understood enough by some doctors…
Her knowledge and experiences were transmitted to me in a way
similar to what has happened in and out of class…Experiencing pain
and bliss at the same time became a reality. That’s what I felt as I lay
on that hard wooden table
and I laughed…realizing that bliss does
underly everything. That pain is a state which does pass. The magic
unfolded. It was real magic.”
R, India