Where Will Your Eyes Go
Where will your eyes go, as they open on an unhurried morning?
Upon what will your eyes alight, when the sun is exalted?
What insight is reawakened, when forces of darkness and light are balanced?
This month April — on the 15th — the sun transits Mesh Rashi, Aries — ruled by the indomitable Mars.
Applying the integrative, philosophical sciences of the ancient Indian seers, such a return of our sun to its own seat of fire, is specifically heralded.
This return — according to Indian astrological calculations — is a veritable beginning of beginnings.
And moreover, the completion of the Spring Equinox.
Vishu Kani the ceremony is called by Malayalis. The first sight of renewed, dynamic equilibrium.
Levelling. Replenishing. At the same time.
Correspondent to the eyes and the inner “fire” to see, are the feet and the mental lucidity to mobilise accordingly.
Whatever we first-see (kani) — in that transit and through that opening afforded by equal (vishu) hours of night and day — penetrates our consciousness to engender itself in our day to day, for the next 12 months of the lunisolar cycle.
In South India and diaspora communities, such a dawn will call the matriarch to pre-arrange an altar with a murti of Krishna for worship of the sustaining powers of consciousness, and the resolution — the yoga — of polarities.
The pre-dawn approach is with eyes covered so that the first conscious sight of glory manifest, will reward them and their family with untold moments to treasure for the moments of the days of the months of the year to come.
Arranged before a mirror will be a silver vessel of seasonal, freshly harvested rice, fruits and gourds, flanked with an odd number of lit lamps of ghee, accompanied by new lengths of hand woven cloth, and embellished with golden coins, golden ornaments and golden flowers.
Shared will be a balanced meal of all tastes — bitter, sweet, sour, salty, astringent, pungent — to harmonise all elements of a life diversified, and fully lived.
May this day coming, reveal blessings and gifts for those who have and those who have not — equally.